Selecting a Color Palette
Demo videos showing how to Select a Color Palette on desktop computers and on an iPad can be found at the bottom of the lesson.
Before changing the colors in the draft, you will need to select the colors you want in your color palette. There are two ways to select colors:
Select colors manually
Click on the pencil icon above one of the colored (or white) squares. This will bring up a Color Picker selection box.
Select a new color by using the color gradients and sliders, or by entering the HSV, RGB, or hex (#) code for the color you want. The Color Palette selection will not update until the Ok button is clicked. To hide the Color Picker box without changing anything, click the Cancel button.
Repeat the process by clicking each one of pencils above colored (or empty/white) boxes and selecting a color until the Color Palette is loaded with all of the colors you want to use in your draft.
If you need more colors, use the + button to add more blank color boxes.
When a color is selected, the box will increase in size. In the example below, the Cyan is the color currently selected.
Demo video – Desktop