No more envying other weavers’ gorgeous gradients…
...Learn to design and create them yourself!
You’ll leave any doubts, intimidations, or past mishaps back at the yarn store -
When you discover how simple and quick color gradients really are!
Tien Chiu here, writing to you from the island of project envy.
You may be familiar with this place. It’s where weavers…

Feel restricted by their equipment and don’t believe they can do beautiful, complex designs.

Don’t feel they have the skills to create powerful effects with color.

Are left to gawk at gorgeous projects that their fellow weavers are designing.
The result: Being held back from their full creativity, and missing out on the fun and excitement of show-stopping work ...

Well, that lonely island goes away today, my friend.
Because after two decades of experimenting and mastering color theory, I’ve learned to distill the power of color gradients into a simple method that any weaver can use to create gorgeous work. You don’t need more loom - you just need more know-how.
There’s no better feeling than stepping back from your finished product thinking,
“I can’t believe I made that. I’m SO happy and proud
of myself!”

So if you’re ready to finally break free of complicated threadings, muddied projects, and the fear of gradients,
And trade it in for an endless stream of creative possibilities and dazzling color transitions -
Then I am bursting at the seams to introduce you to...
Gorgeous Gradients
October 8-November 5, 2021
The LIVE four-week comprehensive program to uplevel your Gradient IQ and confidently design your own multi-color patterns that bring you endless JOY!
Perfect for 4-shaft, 8-shaft, and rigid heddle weavers!
Here’s what you’ll learn from our LIVE four weeks together:

How to design spectacularly beautiful gradients that you can weave on any loom that produces plain weave (or 4-shaft straight twill) - rigid heddle looms welcome! (For more complex drafts, check out the Gorgeous Gradients Deep Dive two week add-on to the class!)

Know the SIX kinds of gradients - what they are, when, where, and how to use them, and how to design each type

Master the Gradient Color Editor Tool - a powerful tool that lets you design your own color gradients - in seconds!

The secrets of picking warp and weft colors for complicated multicolor (or rainbow!) gradients- WITHOUT producing mud.

Tools and techniques for designing and weaving glorious double gradients - gradients in warp AND weft!

Tips to make warping and weaving complex stripes simple and easy - on a shaft loom OR a rigid heddle loom
Let’s dig into the step-by-step plan...

Week 1: Fabulous Colors, Fantastic Gradients
October 8-14, 2021
You’ll learn all about color gradients - the different types of gradients, and how to design them. And you’ll design your first warp gradients!

Find out the six kinds of woven color gradients and how and when to use each one.

Learn to use the Color Gradient Editor, a powerful yet simple online tool. You’ll be designing your own color gradients - in seconds!

Dive in-depth into the first four kinds of gradients, how they work, and how to design them.

Start designing your own multicolor gradient project - a cowl in 10/2, 8/2, or 3/2 cotton!

Week 2: Make it Gorgeous! Mastering Gradient Design
October 15-21, 2021
Now that you’ve gotten your feet wet creating gradient designs, it’s time to go in-depth into understanding gradients. You'll:

Understand just how a gradient is constructed and what design factors you can use to create the perfect gradient for YOU.

Master the art of choosing colors that blend into other bright colors - NO MORE MUDDY PROJECTS! (You can apply this method to your other projects, too - you’ll be free of muddy colors for life!)

Learn the secret to creating a seamless color gradient across the entire rainbow….or a bold, dramatic gradient for eye-catching drama.

Discover how to create DOUBLE gradients - gradients in warp AND weft - for twice the show-stopping beauty!

Play with REVERSIBLE gradients - one gradient on the front of the cloth and a different gradient on the back!

Finish designing your cowl project and get ready to warp your loom!.

Week 3: Warping and Weaving Your Color Gradients
October 22-28, 2021
This week, you’ll get a ton of weaving tips and tricks as you wind the warp for, and weave, your class project. You'll:

Learn how best to sample for a gradient project.

Get a troubleshooting “cheat sheet” for resolving design issues that crop up while sampling. Problem solving, simplified!

Discover TWO methods for winding a warp with many complex color changes - no matter your warping style.

Learn pickup and hand manipulated stitches to enhance gradients on a rigid heddle loom.

Find out how to keep track of complicated weft color changes - no more color mistakes! (And learn to deal with those pesky weft ends, too!)

Week 4: Finishing Your Cowl and Advanced Topics
October 29-November 5, 2021
This week, you’ll finish your cowl and “fill in the corners” on your gradient knowledge. You’ll:

Learn not one, not two, but THREE gorgeous ways to finish your cowl.

Discover bundled yarn gradients - where, when, and how to use them (they work great for rigid heddlers!)

Uncover the secrets of gradient dyed yarns and how to work with them.

Master the art of showcasing a gradient warp - if you want more warp than weft to show.

Find out the basics of how gradient patterning interacts with draft patterning in more complex drafts.
And here’s how we make sure you’re supported every step of the way…

Lessons are released on Fridays, followed two days later by a LIVE lecture to cover the material in even greater depth! This will help iron out any new techniques and help your confidence soar by seeing it all live in action. Sessions will be recorded and put into the online classroom afterwards.

Each week, we’ll gather virtually for you to get any and all questions answered, so you are never stuck! Whether you have your own comments, or want to tap into the questions from your fellow weavers - you’ll uncover a treasure trove of new knowledge through these 90-minute sessions of weaving and color wisdom.
*We believe in inclusivity, so all demos AND Q&A sessions are recorded and placed into the online classroom with transcripts and searchable closed captions. This not only means that it’s super easy to find specific questions without having to rewatch the entire video, it’s also accessible to students who are hard of hearing or for whom English is a second language. We believe in helping you learn whatever way is best for YOU!

Weaving should never be lonely! You’ll LOVE meeting other passionate and supportive weavers who you can lean on for creativity, inspiration, and like-minded conversations. Our student discussion groups are easy to navigate online, and they exponentially increase the fun and camaraderie by swapping stories, pictures, and weaving secrets!

The content that you learn inside this program is with you for life. That means you can ALWAYS go back to re-watch, continue to learn, and increasingly perfect your work. I often hear that when weavers watch the lessons for a second and third time, they pick up on new things that they hadn’t the first time around.
This course was created for you to learn and benefit from on your own time and whenever creativity strikes - never needing to wait for scheduled components or having to worry about expiring content.
If you’ve made your way here through the ‘Discover Gradients’ Weave-along…
First, thanks for joining us - what a blast!
And also know that we’ve only scratched the surface...
There is SO much more fun and next-level gradient work
that we can’t wait to teach you!
Here’s how Gorgeous Gradients differs from the weave-along:
Discover Gradients Weave-Along | Cell | Gorgeous Gradients |
Designed a project using predetermined drafts | ![]() | Learn to make your OWN gradient drafts! |
Only used two colors in the warp and one in weft | ![]() | Use ALL the colors you want in warp OR weft |
Learned about three simple gradients | ![]() | Discover how to design all SIX kinds of gradients! |
Used solid color weft only | ![]() | You'll be designing warp AND weft gradients to create DOUBLE gradient projects! |
The Gorgeous Guarantee
Gorgeous Gradients comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We understand that it feels risky to sign up for a digital product that you can't see or touch. And as two top weaving teachers, we believe in Gorgeous Gradients so passionately that we guarantee you'll like it.
So - until the end of the class, if you haven't found the program worth your investment, you can ask for a full refund, as we wouldn't feel right keeping your money. No questions asked, nothing to fill out, no strings attached.
Just $99

Hi! I’m Tien Chiu,
I’ve spent over a decade studying color in weaving. I’ve woven hundreds of swatches, and dyed over 2,500 yarn samples to decode how color mixing works in weaving. I’m just a wee bit obsessed with color!
And the moment I solved my own color frustrations (which took me years to finesse) was the moment it became my mission to share my findings with other technically-driven, knowledge-hungry weavers.
I’ve taught over 20,000 students about color online, to rave reviews.
And even after hitting personal milestones such as authoring a book, seeing my work on the cover of Handwoven, and having my work collected by textile museums...
My biggest accomplishment is helping weavers like you have a dramatically improved experience every single time you wind your warp.
Thank you for allowing me into your weaving world - I'm so excited to see what you create!

And I’m Michele Belson,
My passion is colorful yarns. As a weaving teacher and a founder/co-owner of Lunatic Fringe Yarns, I’ve helped thousands of weavers with their challenges since the early 90’s. I’m intimately familiar with the pitfalls and solutions to a ton of weaving issues.
I’ve taught classes in warping, color theory, pattern drafting, and rigid heddle weaving all over the country, from Florida to California.
I’m passionate about teaching, and supporting every one of my students on their creative journey - whether beginners or experienced weavers, whether they weave on rigid heddle looms or 32+ shaft computer-driven dobby looms.
I’m looking forward to helping you weave your own gorgeous gradients!
Before you jump into Gorgeous Gradients, you may be wondering a few things.
Let us do our best to answer them for you!
Gorgeous Gradients runs October 8-November 5, 2021.
If you decide to take Gorgeous Gradients plus the Deep-Dive (see the bottom of this page for details on the Deep-Dive), the combined classes run October 8-November 19.
We will probably offer the class again in the future but there are no specific plans as to when. Probably not until 2023 at earliest.
The lessons for the week are released on Friday mornings and can be accessed whenever you like.
The 90-minute Live Lectures take place via Zoom on Sundays, from noon-1:30pm Pacific Time.
The 90-minute Live Q&A sessions take place via Zoom on Wednesdays, from 4pm-5:30pm Pacific Time.
ALL SESSIONS ARE RECORDED AND PLACED IN THE ONLINE CLASSROOM for those who can’t attend, so if you are unable to attend, you can watch them later at your leisure. We include closed-captioning and full transcripts for all live sessions.
That’s okay! This online program has been meticulously organized to help serve all weavers - even those who aren't tech-savvy.
Having said that, the Color Editor we use in class is an online tool, so if you consider yourself truly tech-phobic, we recommend that you try out our free Color Editor mini-course to see if you like the Color Editor before signing up for the class.
(We will be offering a short online course in using the Color Editor before class begins, so if you just need a little help with the Color Editor, you can get help there.)
YES, YOU DO! This program is set up to provide you with all the custom support you need. With the live weekly Q&A sessions and private online communities, you will have access to both of us if questions arise during the course.
You should be able to read a weaving draft, wind a warp and dress your loom, including threading and tying up the treadles, wind bobbins, and start, join, and end weft yarns. And weave, of course!
A rigid heddle loom, or a table/floor loom with 2 or more shafts, with a weaving width of at least 10 inches. If you want to weave the twill drafts, you will need at least four shafts.
If you are using other types of looms, you are welcome to join, but we won’t be talking about your kind of loom in the lessons or webinars.
YES! Gorgeous Gradients contains lots of content that is perfect for rigid heddle weavers, and we have some lessons that are specifically for rigid heddle weavers. The sections on twill are more appropriate for floor loom weavers, but all the parts on plain weave are perfect for rigid heddlers, and we will use pickup and hand manipulated techniques that make your RH gradients spectacular.
Gorgeous Gradients Deep-Dive (the optional two-week add-on for Gorgeous Gradients) is designed for weavers with four and eight shaft looms, and not recommended for rigid heddle weavers.
The class project is a gorgeous double-gradient cowl, 9" x 32", in your choice of plain weave or 3/1 twill. You get to design the colors!
Nope! You can weave anything you like (or nothing at all). You can get 90% of the knowledge in the class simply by reading the lessons, watching the videos, and doing the online design exercises. You’ll learn a lot even if you don’t weave a thing.
And remember, you have lifetime access to the course material, so you can come back and weave the project later - much, much later! - if you want!
We’ll have designs and instructions for 10/2, 8/2, and 3/2 cotton yarns, for both rigid heddle and shaft looms. You'll need three colors for warp and three colors for weft, 1.5 ounces of each color. (In 3/2 cotton, you will need an extra 1.5 ounces of yarn in warp and in weft, in any of the colors you've chosen or in new ones.) But more colors won't hurt - and will give you more options to play with!
Instructions for choosing colors will be released on September 11, four weeks before class begins, in order to give you time to order any yarns you might need.
Lunatic Fringe Yarns is graciously providing a coupon for Gorgeous Gradient participants for 10% off orders over $50, and - for orders over $100 - an ADDITIONAL bonus Mini cone in a whimsical color chosen by your favorite Lunatics. The coupon code will come with your instructions on September 11!
If you want to use yarns other than 10/2, 8/2, or 3/2 cotton, that’s fine, but you’ll be “off-roading” - we won’t be discussing your yarns in the webinars or Q&As.
Nope! All you need to access the online classroom and design your scarf is a web browser. That’s it. No weaving software is needed.
If you want to ask questions “live” at the webinars, you’ll need to install and run the free Zoom app, but you can do that on practically any mobile device or computer. If you don’t want to ask questions “live,” you can watch the webinars in your web browser.
Yes! None of the critical class elements are on Facebook - the course materials, Live Lectures, and Q&A sessions are on a different platform. Our Facebook group is extremely active and a great place to hang out - sharing your trials and triumphs with other weavers is half the fun, after all! - but it is not necessary. We’ll also have a private in-course community - not on Facebook - for the class. It's not quite as active as the Facebook group but you can share your work and get your questions answered there as well.
Gorgeous Gradients comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We understand that it feels risky to sign up for a digital product that you can't see or touch. And as two top weaving teachers, we believe in Gorgeous Gradients so passionately that we guarantee you'll like it.
So - if, during the live portion of the class (that's until October 5, 2021), you haven't found the program worth your investment, you can ask for a full refund, as we wouldn't feel right keeping your money. No questions asked, nothing to fill out, no strings attached.
You have lifetime access to all course materials!
What that means, since nobody lives forever, is that if we ever retire or close up shop (or the course platform goes away), we'll make all the lesson materials downloadable and you'll have 90 days to download them. (The one exception is the Color Editor, which we don't own, so won't be included in any downloads.)
The discussion forums will be available for at least six months after the end of class.
Let’s Recap Everything…
Week 1: Fabulous Colors, Fantastic Gradients
Week 2: Make It Gorgeous! Mastering Gradient Design
Week 3: Warping and Weaving Your Color Gradients
Week 4: Weaving Gradients and Advanced Topics
Just $99
Are you truly passionate about color? If so, we’re extending YOU an extra-special invite…
two MORE weeks to go wild with gradients!
If you want to understand how gradients work in more complex drafts - beyond plain weave and 4-shaft straight twill - and have 4 or more shafts, Gorgeous Gradients Deep-Dive is perfect for you!
Gorgeous Gradients Deep-Dive takes place immediately after Gorgeous Gradients, and is two additional weeks of study available exclusively to Gorgeous Gradients students.
If you want to understand how draft patterning interacts with color patterning in handwoven cloth, so you can design gradients that work with any draft of your choice, you'll definitely want to take the Deep-Dive as well.

Here’s what’s covered in the Deep-Dive:

Deep Dive Week 1 (November 5-11):
Usually, when you have a complicated design in the warp or weft - like a color gradient - plus a complex draft, you get visual chaos. But it doesn't have to be this way!
Week One is about understanding what factors make a complex gradient and set of color choices coordinate beautifully with, or make hash out of, your beautiful draft. Once you understand that, you'll understand how to mix complex drafts with equally complex gradients with gorgeous results.

Discover how your color gradient will interact with the draft patterning, so you can predict whether a gradient will work in advance.

Learn to mix complex drafts with complicated gradients and get WOW! (not a mess!)

Know how to pick drafts to complement each of the six types of gradients: linear, curved, Fibonacci, striped, gradient-dyed yarn, and bundled-thread color gradients.

Deep Dive Week 2 (November 12-19):
This week, we'll talk about structural tricks and color mixing. There are three main topics: drafts that separate warp and weft colors, which can be used to design with colors that might otherwise conflict; the creation of AMAZING reversible gradients in certain types of drafts; and tricks with mini-gradients to totally transform the look of a draft.

Color wizardry: how to pick drafts that free you to use ANY colors for your gradients - WITHOUT getting mud!

REVERSIBLE gradients with complex drafts: gradients that look different on the front and back of the cloth! It's like getting two gorgeous projects in one!

Discover how to combine draft motifs and color gradients to create amazing new designs.
Plus MORE weekly demos, weekly Q&As, and access to the live community!
In Gorgeous Gradients Deep Dive, you’ll achieve true gradient mastery!
Just $49 extra for two MORE weeks of learning!
Add the DEEP-DIVE to Gorgeous Gradients
SIX weeks of learning
October 4-November 19
Here’s what it comes down to:
You don’t need fancy equipment to create projects others will envy, and you don’t have to spend years studying, either. You do need to know some things about color, and color gradients are a great way to create stunningly beautiful projects, using simple equipment, with principles we can teach you in a few short weeks.
Tien's spent a decade studying color in weaving, and Michele's helped weavers all over the world weave better on everything from rigid heddle looms to 32 shaft computer driven looms. We've taught over 20,000 students between us (the reviews have been amazing). And if you’re not happy with the class, we'll refund your money. There’s nothing to lose, and lots of gorgeous projects to gain.
We can’t wait to see what you’ll create!