I'll Take You from Color Novice
to Color Ninja
Color Secrets
Three Keys To Crisp, Clear Designs
I'll Take You from Color Novice
to Color Ninja
You May Have Seen Me In

The craft you love shouldn’t trigger disappointment.
But it so often does... IF you don’t grasp color.

Hi! I’m Tien...
I help weavers like you make sense out of color.
I know you’re SO OVER projects not turning out as you expected. You’re done with unpredictable color mixes, patterns that are blurry or indistinct, and results that come out ‘only okay’ (or worse, like mud).
Instead, you’re looking for a rules-based perspective - an understanding of color that you can analyze and make sense of. You want to grasp the underlying principles of color and apply them to your complex craft.
Above all - you want your projects to turn out exactly the way you imagined them. And when others view your work, you want it to reflect the time, effort, and materials you put in.
You want to become confident with color & design.
Well, my new friend, you’re in the right spot.

I Like To Call It
“Art Science”
“Art Science”
And I’ve spent my adult life studying color theory, then applying that knowledge in an artistic context. Whether it was passed down from my parents, who were both scientists, or derived from majoring in math at Caltech - understanding the science behind weaving with color was literally in my blood!
I have coached hundreds of fiber artists how to apply color theory to everyday weaving problems and weave stunning projects they are proud of. Let me help you do the same!

What Weavers Are Saying
What Weavers Are Saying

38+ Years of Weaving and I've Learned a Lot
I’m a LOT more confident in working with color and predicting how things will come out. And that's after 38 years of weaving!!... After that long, you think you’ve seen it all and that’s just not true. Tien has SO much value to share and she delivers it in such a clear way.
- Deb Sharpee

I Can Finally Think In Color
Have you ever learned a foreign language well enough to start thinking in that language? Having taken this class, I am now thinking in color. Best class to help my weaving I have ever taken.
- Robert Breitzmann

A Gifted Teacher...I Couldn't Be More Excited
Since learning from Tien, I can now search through my stash of colors, understand which ones work well together, and create designs I previously struggled to capture. She is a gifted and personable teacher - her classes have helped me design and create projects that I have never been more excited about and look forward to continuing the discovery.
- Robin L.
Ahh… isn’t it nice knowing someone is finally going to guide you so you can demystify color?